klequis' blog

This chapter/section is part of a future book on full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React & Node) development. For the full table of contents with links to all completed chapters see Full-stack Mern Development.

Installing Git on Ubuntu

October 30, 2019

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. (1) It was created by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, in 2005.

There are a couple of ways to install Git on Ubuntu. You can install from the official Ubuntu software repository, however you may get a slightly older version. This will not be consequential for most users but in my view, there is no reason to not use the latest stable version, especially since it is just as easy to install.


To get the latest stable version of Git and get updates as they are available, use the official PPA.

Add the PPA to your system

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa

Update your machines information on package versions and their dependencies.

sudo apt update

Install Git

sudo apt install git

Check the installed version

git --version


Before you can start using Git you need to tell Git your name and email.

git config --global user.name "your-name"
git config --global user.email "you@email.com"


  1. Git, git-scm.com


All done!


Technical blog by klequis